Saturday, February 28

Kareena Kapoor on Harpers Bazaar inaugural issue

The lissome lass of Bollywood -Kareena Kapoor sets cover of the inaugural issue of fashion and lifestyle magazine Harpers' Bazaar on fire. She shines on the inaugural issue of Harper's Bazaar as this issue comes with 'diamonds' attached on its cover.
Kareena Kapoor-Harpers Bazaar
The issue also contains some of hottest scans of Kareena and Saif on the beaches of Mauritius. The couple are seen romancing along the coastline in the pics. One may wonders if the couple enhancing the scenic beauty of the to-die-for beaches or is it the other way round. The issue also holds some of the most precious verbal gems that Saif-Kareena have belted out. She also gives an insight into her relation with Saif and goes on to say that Saif is the more romantic.

All in all, this inaugural issue is a complete entertaining package.

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