Tuesday, February 17

Freida Pinto breaks up with Boyfriend

Freida Pinto Freida Pinto - the star of the super successful Slumdog Millionaire has broken up with her long time boyfriend - Rohan Antao from India.

Pinto met Antao four years ago at St Xavier’s University in Mumbai when she was studying English literature and he was a chemistry student. Rohan Antao had supported Pinto in her modeling and acting career.

They had been in the relation for the past one year. But the success of Slumdog Millionaire put a strain on their relationship. For the last two months, Pinto has been promoting British director Danny Boyle’s flick around the UK and USA and could not give time to her personal commitments.

The dup realized that Freida’s career could not suffer to be tied down by their relationship. Hence finally they broke off.

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