Monday, December 8

Dia Mirza in December edition of T3

What could be the impact of cover girls upon magazine readers? – this can easily be understood by watching the way the bollywood stars or models are pouring in. I am not talking about fashion or celebrity magazines. The tech-gizmo-gadget magazine T3 features Dia Mirza as their cover girl in December issue.

The December edition of T3 (which also happens to be the second anniversary issue), where she carries the flamingly crimson red dress on the cover. One mere look at Dia, and one will start wondering if the dress is enhancing her or vice versa. But amidst all this, what we forgot about is the lucky cell phone that has found its place in heaven, we mean, Dia's palms! The reader will be in for a shock not to see her interview anywhere in the mag. But the shock will be doubled when they see her posing with all the latest gizmos and gadgets, which include a laptop, watch and yes... a cell phone also!

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