Thursday, December 11

Aishwarya does insignificant role

There has been too much discusison in recent times over Aishwariya Rai's decision to play such a insignificant role in the latest Pink Panther Series. The film is ready for release and our wonderful Ash is quite excited about having starred in it.

When the first posters of the film, Pink Panther 2 were out, Ash hardly even figured in them. One wondered then, why the actress agreed to play such a minor role in a Hollywood film. But the star has broken her silence on the matter and said that the only reason she agreed to do the movie was because she loved Peter Sellers. In fact, Sellers happens to be one of her favourites since she was a kid. She admits that the film did not require her to do much and hence she enjoyed just hanging around and being part of the project. She candidly admits that the project is not about her and she is quite comfortable with that.

Well said Ash!!
This is what we call, “Bade Log Badi Baten”!!

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