Wednesday, November 19

Rahul Mahajan out of Bigg Boss House

Rahul Mahajan, one of the front runners for the prize of reality show Bigg Boss 2 has been evicted this week.

His eviction came in the wake of the incident in which attempt was made by him and other Bigg Boss-2 members Raja Chaudhury, Zulfi Sayed and Ashutosh Kaushik to jump the house.

After the crew stopped the housemates from going out of the house, Bigg Boss 2 demanded an apology from all of them as it is against the rules to break out of the house. The other three apologized but Rahul refused to do so. That’s why he was evicted from the house

Rahul’s sister, Poonam Mahajan landed in Lonavala ,where the Bigg Boss house is located to take her brother back to Mumbai. Endemol’s Managing Director Deepak Dhar was unavailable for comment despite several attempts.

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