Friday, November 28

Karan Johar on the cover of November issue of People

The super-cool magazine 'People' proves it quality yet again. Looking at the way they are 'breaking' stories, it won't be surprising to see the leading dailies' editors breaking the heads of their journos!

The latest issue has Karan Johar...even before you get any kind of ideas about his 'confessions. And even though 'People' tried to take up the forbidden route, the normally calm Karan suddenly becomes 'Current Johar' and answers, "That's not for you to know and not for me to reveal. My personal life will always be my personal life".
Not just that, you can find the ever-so-charming Karan share his views on his family, his background, and his very closet friends and of course, the icing on the cake...the one and only SRK!

Overall, after reading this issue, one would surely be forced to rename May 25 (Karan's birthday) as Friendship Day, as we certainly believe that there cannot be a greater friend, philosopher and guide than Karan!

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