Monday, November 24

Happy Birthday to Celina Jaitley

If there's one word that does total justice to this lady's overall persona, then it has to be 'Gifted'. God has blessed her with eyes that speak volumes of love, hair that's enough to give the Rapunzels of the world an inferiority complex, lips that are an inspiration to a million architects, smile that can launch a thousand ships, skin tone that has the best of glaciers melting itself down...well, the list is practically endless! The 'gifted' lady in question is none other than Bollywood's very own Celina Jaitley, who also happens to be today's Birthday Girl!

With her father and brother serving the army and her mother being a child psychologist, punctuality and duty comes natural to this enviable beauty! Little do people know that, post her graduation this Bombshell had lent her expertise by working in a cell phone company in Kolkata! We are sure of the fact that the said company's sales must have rocketed every single day! Soon after that, it was Bollywood calling for this ex-Miss India! With films like Janasheen, No Entry, Apna Sapna Money Money, Tom Dick and Harry, Zinda etc... to her credit, there is just one way for this beauty...up and only up!

Here are B'day Wishes to Celina!!!

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