Tuesday, October 14

"I am practicing rough language in real life" - Mugdha Godse

Mugdha Godse plays the part of one of the protagonist of Fashion as Janet,. While Priyanka Chopra and Kangana Ranaut keep thier mouth shut, Mugdha has willingly disclosed that her role requires her to speak in a rough language.

"I can't believe the lines I've said when the camera started rolling", says Mudgha animatedly, "Words like 'jhandoo' and 'bangroo' are not something that form a part of my everyday vocabulary and here I am using them all so naturally. "

Talking about the boldness of the character, Mugdha reveals that Janet is someone who wants to be independent and is living a lifestyle of her choice in urban India. Mugdha has spent close to 8 months shooting for the film and admits that she has got used to the language to such an extent that even in real life she could be found mouthing some rough words.

Mugdha's character of Janet in Fashion is said to be based on the real life of another popular model Carol Gracias and borrows incidents from her infamous wardrobe malfunction on the ramp.

29th October is the D day when audience would get to know if this indeed is true.

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