Saturday, September 27

Sallu gift Katrina to Katrina

The bad boy of Bollywood Salman Khan rarely makes news for his sweet actions. But here is some food for thought.It is well know that he is an unprofessional painter and paints for pleasure. Salman feels happy in gifting his portraits to his dear ones and one person whom he gifts very often is his ladylove Katrina Kaif. But recently, to her surprise, Sallu has gifted Kat her own portrait and the lady is touched by his move.

Before he left for 40 days shoot to UK for London Dreams, he invited Kat for a dinner at his home and gift-wrapped the portrait. When Kat unveiled the portrait at her home, she was overjoyed, Salman smiled at her lovingly and said, "It’s you."

In the past, Sallu has humiliated his beau in many ways but this is surely a way to win over his sweetheart.

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