Friday, September 5

Amrita Rao -An Uneducated Village Girl

Amrita Rao invites you to a one day fun filled trip to Sajjanpur . Come and meet a hilarious bunch of people. This is a kind of trip you will enjoy and surely don’t want to miss.

That is exactly what Amrita Rao is doing in her upcoming film Welcome To Sajjanpur . “We all invite you to Sajjanpur . It is a mad hatter town. We just want to invite the audience to come and have fun. That is the main objective. We are not here to preach. It is a funny film”, said Amrita.

For the first time in her career Amrita will play an uneducated village girl in the film. She plays a girl who does pottery. It is a role which is visually drastic in terms of get ups and the costume drama happening around it. She speaks Hindi in Baghelkhandi which has a very different dialect. She has never played a total uneducated gaonwali which she plays in this film.

Welcome to Sajjanpur is directed by Shyam Benegal and is slated to release on September 19.

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