Tuesday, August 26

Salman gets relief from the Cops

Problem child Salman Khan has guests on his game show. No, for a change they weren’t celebrities. They were the lady cops who were invited to play the game with their favorite star.

The lady cops who were hobnobbing with Salman were all praises for him. And this time round, Salman was in a mood to play pranks. Apparently he told the cops, “For a change you guys have come to me without a warrant. I’m not used to it, you know.”

The actor also revealed that apart from his many trysts with the cops in the past, there is a connection that his family has with the cops. “My nanaji (maternal grandfather) is a retired DIG, Indore. So that’s the reason the police keeps coming to me all the time,” he said tongue-in-cheek

The lady cops who were posted in Gurgaon assured Salman that if ever he gets in a scuffle when he is up North, her husband, a cop, will make sure that he is out in minutes. “That is some relief, considering the rest of the Indian police are always gunning for me,” he retorted.

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