Wednesday, June 11

John-Bips Play the Host

John Abraham was recently in Delhi, and then he was to be in Bangkok later, with girlfriend Bipasha Basu. But the couple cancelled their trip for a wedding. Not theirs – hold your horses – but that of John’s brother Alan! They were scheduled to attend an award function in the Thai capital, but they cancelled because Alan got married to his Romanian girlfriend Anca recently.

John’s brother Alan got married to his long-time girlfriend Anca in Romania just two weeks ago.
Hence, John has been very busy with his brother’s wedding preparations and cancelled his trip to Bangkok. His family hosted a grand reception in Mumbai on Saturday evening. The reception was held in Bandra, and John and Bips played the hosts there.

It was a completely private affair and John didn’t want many people to know about it. The guests at the reception included mostly his close friends and relatives. It’s been a while since Anca shifted to Mumbai and that’s how she met Alan. He’s finally gotten married and John and his family are very happy about it.”

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