Friday, June 6

Good Housekeeping has Tabu On The Cover Page

The aforementioned quote clearly indicates the importance of red colour. Well, if one has to ‘enhance’ the importance of the important, all that a person needs to do is make the important wear the importance! We are sure that everything above is Greek and Latin to you. But, to cut a long story short, the crux of the matter is that the powerhouse actress Tabu, in her red flaring dress, looks more than a million bucks, on the latest cover of Good Housekeeping, the magazine that’s all about Home, Health and Happiness!

She speaks her hear out in this issue, as she goes on record to reveal all about her primitive years, her upbringing, her parents and her relationship with them and but of course Bollywood! Very few know the fact that it was Dev Anand who had auditioned both the fiery actor sisters (Farha and Tabu) for the role of his daughter in Jawaani Deewaani. Of the tow, it was Tabu who ultimately bagged the role, thus giving Bollywood, its very own answer to all-time acting greats!

The ever-so-sweet Tabu also adds that if the hit song from Vijaypath “Rukh Rukh Rukh Arrey Baba Rukh” hadn’t happened to her, then, no one would know her or watch her in Chandni Bar! She minces no words when she ‘declares’ a sweet something about her Cheeni Kum co-star, Big B! She says that she wouldn’t work with any other actor, but him!

Lastly, one has always heard of the saying ‘Painting the town Red’. But our dearest Tabu has smashed apart this phrase into a million fragments by going million of steps ahead of this and ‘wearing’ Red!

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