Thursday, May 15

New Item Boy Of Bollywood---Fardeen Khan

Our Bollywood heroes are all out to prove that they can do everything that their female counterparts can do better. So we had the best of them, Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan, doing an item number each for the film Krazzy 4 recently. Amitabh Bachchan, of course, got there before with the number 'One Love'. The latest to join the bandwagon is none other than Fardeen Khan.

Fardeen, who is on a comeback trail with his latest film Jai Veeru, is believed to be doing one of those item dances along with co stars Kunal Khemu and Mahek Chhel. The number is believed to have all the hatches and makes of our filmy dances and according to reports, Fardeen seems to be having a blast doing the number. The actor, who needs a hit desperately, will be hoping that the number makes it big along with the film. It would go a long way in bolstering his sagging career. Post his marriage, Fardeen's career seems to be headed no where. He has hardly any films in hand. But now the actor seems to be ready to get back into action. He has started loosing the weight that he had put on and is back to facing the cameras.

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