Monday, May 26

Lara Dutta on weight loss

Lara Dutta would be shooting for the action packed film Blue and has been as cool as never before. The reason being, she believes, is her strict workout routine.

"I am healthier than ever before because of all the working out I have been doing and feel that I am in my best form ever," she says. Lara will be getting into her action shoes for the first time as an actress. However, fit for her does not mean skinning herself down to nothingness.

"I have never wanted to be waif-thin, but to have a fit and lean figure, which I have achieved all thanks to the strenuous training that I have been going through preparing for the movie Blue," says the ex Miss World.

Interestingly, Kareena Kapoor's rapid weight loss was much in news as rumours spread that she was facing health problems due to the same. Though Kareena has so far been denying all such reports.

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