Thursday, May 22

"Kareena - An Inspiration for Me" - Ekta kapoor

Ekta Kapoor goes on a three week crash course to fit into new clothes for her birthday

Three weeks away from her 33rd birthday, television tycoon Ekta Kapoor has got herself a new mission in life — she is going in for a crash course in dieting.

“It all started when I got myself some really cool clothes in a size smaller than my usual. That was to motivate myself to lose some weight. Now I want to get into shape so that I can wear those clothes on my birthday,” says Ekta.

Her motivation is Kareena Kapoor. “I want a curvy body for my birthday party. I saw Kareena in a bikini in Tashan. Now I want a body like that for myself,” she says. And these are not just empty words — Ekta has got herself a new trainer and a swanky gym. “I told my trainer Ritesh that I just want a decent physique so that I can wear the clothes I want. Even a size five is fine.”

Does that mean she has someone special in her life? “There we go again. I’m afraid I’m not looking for anyone any longer. I’ve done the next best thing — I’ve got myself a dog!” she laughs.
About her new companion, she says, “He’s a pug called Pugli The Ugly. Unlike other men in my life, he actually listens to me.”

Err… but what about men? Ekta confesses she has had the longest crush on Sanjay Dutt and Akshay Kumar. In fact, in Ekta’s new film C Kkompany, Tusshar Kapoor’s character is named after Akshay — at Ekta’s behest. “Ya, I did suggest that. Tusshar plays this ordinary working class guy. When girls hear that his name is Akshay Kumar, they go ga-ga over him. In reality he turns out to be just an ordinary guy.”

On her newly found career as an actress, she jokes, “The year 2008 was the beginning and end of my career as an actress. After the cameo in C Kkompany, Tusshar and director Sachin Yardi have forbidden me from acting. It’s probably the worst acting ever seen by them... or me. Aishwarya, Deepika and Kareena need not feel threatened. I’m retiring from acting.”"

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