Monday, March 24

Tulip Joshi :The hot guide to Egypt

"The most fascinating thing about Egypt is its mystical value," says Tulip Joshi. Egypt renowned for its unusual beauty leaves one awestruck at the very first sight. Be it the Great Pyramids of Giza or temple at Abu Simbel, Egypt is a rare combination of historic and scenic beauty. However, what makes Egypt one of the most enthralling places in the world to visit is its museums which narrates the tales of mummified bodies.

"Here I am in the middle of the desert admiring the beauty of this place which is so unique." Behind Tulip is the most incredible creation of Egyptians -a set of three pyramids with Kufur being the tallest one. "The most intriguing fact is the beautiful structure of these pyramids built 5000 years ago when there were no special equipments," exclaims Tulip. Interestingly, Tulip was mistaken as some local Television actor by the locals around, while climbing the narrow lanes of the pyramids. "It was claustrophobic inside and I was taken aback looking at the locals climbing the pyramids with so much ease. One of the rooms in the pyramid sheltering the King's tomb is a delight to witness after the breathless journey up there," says excited Tulip. Besides Pyramids, something unique about Egyptian culture is the museums embellished with the scripts, the belongings of the kings and queens and the mummified bodies of human beings and animals are something.

This picture is Sharm El-Sheikh one of the most stunning resorts Tulip says she had never been to. Tulip is standing in the bar surrounded by the resort, a fantastic place to party with beautiful beaches where one can relax, get some nice sun tan and swim," exclaims Tulip. "Egyptians are fun-loving people. Often seen enjoying hookahs at the beautiful corners of the city thus, making it so vivacious that one would love to stay there forever. Also, one cannot withhold from buying beautiful paintings which talk volumes of this ever-spectacular city. However, it is Mumbai where I would love to spend my entire life," signs off Tulip.

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