Thursday, March 20

Shaurya: A Must Watch Movie

Shaurya, revolves around the lives of two close friends, both lawyers in the Indian army.Maj. Siddhant Chaudhary and Maj. Akash Kapoor.Siddhant is defending and Aakash is prosecuting a soldier,convicted for killing his commanding officer.An unwilling participant at first, Siddhant only begins to take his role as a defence lawyer seriously when he meets a spirited journalist Kavya who makes him realize that the case is not as simple as it seems and that the life of the soldier lies in his hands.

In the course of his investigation Siddhant encounters Brigadier Pratap, a highly decorated officer with a narcissistic sense of power and fixed ideas.The convicted soldier, Javed Khan, remains mysteriously silent while incidents and testimonials pile up against him. Making a just resolution to the case seems unattainable.

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